
Roman Numerals Lesson – The Modern Olympics & Roman Numbers

Roman Numerals Lesson – The Modern Olympics

roman numerals olympics

Roman Numerals and the Modern Olympics

NB – The origins of the ‘thumbs down’ symbol is a myth you might like to research some time.

  • The first modern Olympic games were held in Athens Greece in MDCCCXCVI.
  • The games of the 16th Olympiad were held in Melbourne Australia in MCMLVI
  • The Olympic Games were held in Rome in what year? (The myth of Romulus & Remis will give you a clue)
  • The games of the 14th Olympiad were held in London England in MCMXLVIII

Something to Think About:

  • Why might organizers have used roman numerals to number the games when the original games were held in Ancient Greece?


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