Roman Numerals Lesson – The Preface of a Book
Book Numbers & Roman Numerals
Interesting Facts:
– some books have roman numerals on their spines to denote volumes
– some books have their chapters numbered with roman numerals.
– some plays have their scenes & acts numbered with roman numerals e.g. Macbeth – Act iii, Scene iv
– fantasy genre books like to use roman numerals
– many books have information in the front and these pages are often marked with lower case roman numerals e.g. i, ii, iii, iv, x
– The ‘forward’ to a book is mostly written after the book is complete so it easier to use a different numbering system for the forward instead of renumbering all the pages in the book.
– Some people believe that authors use roman numerals in their books as they wish for the book to appear important. Other authors may want to create a ‘classical’ mood and still others wish to create an ‘other worldliness’.
– It is very rare that modern writers use roman numerals to number chapters.
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